Angelina was born in a suburb of Mexico City and grew up with her father in a run-down apartment. While taking the bus back from a late night theater practice (in high school), she was raped. Unable to change what happened, she moved to the East Coast of the States for college, and enrolled in self-defense courses of every type (woman's, karate, tae kwon doe, boxing, wrestling… even tae boe). She's not specialized in any one of these, but she knows the basics of all of them. Her father remains in Mexico, but they keep in contact over facebook, twitter, skype, and the likes.
She worked hard in fashion stores and met Leah (Micro's girlfriend) through her work. Leah invited her to a party and there she met Micro. At the party, a guy tried taking advantage of Angelina, but she whooped his butt and Micro was impressed enough to ask her to try for a job interview (for the special ops team.) This, and their shared interest in virtual reality games, is pretty much the only connection Micro and Angelina share, but it's enough for them to be on good terms with each other.
First day, Micro invited Angelina to a team meeting and though Grant immediately liked her, he tested her a bit before letting her join the team officially. She and Grant dated on and off, but she never let it get serious because she has commitment issues and fear of letting her guard down. They're "off" dating during the story, though Grant continually flirts with her. Though she responds with flirts, she thinks nothing of it. She likes Grant for someone to lead the group and for her to joke around with, but if she wants advice and a loyal friend, she turns to Jared. She appreciates his listening ear and respect for her, though she doesn't know he's interested because he doesn't overly flirt with her.
More than receiving advice, Angelina loves giving it, especially when it concerns dating and drama. This is where she bonds well with Polly (though mostly in their virtual reality). In Reality, she and Polly really only know each other as coworkers. They work together, but they don't hang out. Digitally, Angelina and Polly are almost best friends. They open up to each other and share their secrets that they don't share in Reality.
Digitally, Angelina tries to live the life she thinks she would have had if she hadn't been molested and had stayed in Mexico. Here, she likes to speak Spanglish and do musical theater. No one in reality has heard her sing, though she's a first alto. She's not so worried about work or getting hurt in her game, so she's more laid back.
Her Avatar's name is Media, meaning "average, medium" in Spanish. I also like the pun on the English "media," especially since this is a digital world. Angelina's avatar character's a little different because she creates this second character of herself, who she thinks (or hopes) she would have been, if she hadn't been raped in Mexico and hadn't moved to the Eastern US.She likes to pretend she's innocent, and delicate, the "average girl." She's 5'5", not so underweight, with straight medium length hair.She thrives on drama and keeps secrets. She tries to be the perfect best friend. She knows all about the media going on in the virtual life, and she likes to be a part of it. Here, she lives an alternate life, by doing theater and musicals. She loves to sing and thinks there's a song to every situation in life. She also likes to talk in Spanglish - especially Spanish interjections.
A few things she does every day: work for special ops team, works out at the gym (with Jared), spend a few hours on her twitter and skype, plays her game, and designs clothes.
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